Eazy Meets: An update
Well hello there!
I can’t believe this is my first blog post, but I’ve finally managed to settle on a website I’m vaguely happy with and found the patience to get back into writing.
It’s been over a year since production finished on my short film Eazy Meets. As many of you may know, I’ve been a video maker for a very long time so to get my first professional short done has been a huge milestone in my filmmaking career. It’s certainly not been without its difficulties and a cause of financial and health problems, but suddenly all the hard work is paying off.
Eazy meets has now on THREE AWARDS! Which now officially makes me an award-winning filmmaker. It’s no Oscar, but hey, the awards still mean a lot!
I urge all first time filmmakers to enter as many festivals as you can and don’t aim for the famous ones. There’s thousands of amazing film festivals all over the world who want to share your creations! I’ve ended up spending a lot of money on entering film festivals, who want you to not share your work publicly for years and take a big wad of cash so they can fund their star studded events. So, big thanks to Independent Talents International Film Festival, Near Nazareth Festival and Critics Choice Awards for giving me the laurels I need!
I’m now back in the writing room, trying to figure out what my next short will be. I’m also currently writing for the wonderful battleroyalewithcheese.com and seem to be something of a regular now on the Strangers In A Cinema podcast.